Our Values
Beech Hall is a family school that puts its pupils first. For nearly a hundred years, pupils have lived, worked and played by the motto “possunt quia posse videntur” – “we can because we think we can”. The whole school community has a set of shared values based around three clear aims:
- To be happy
- To be successful
- To be confident
These aims are underpinned by our four over-arching values: Kindness, Respect, Integrity, Ambition.
- We have a fundamental commitment to small class sizes which ensures we offer our pupils a bespoke education.
- We are committed to providing the opportunities for the broadest of educations with a wide variety of extra-curricular experiences both in the UK and overseas.
- We work in close partnership with families so that pupils feel supported, valued, understood and appreciated.
- We value opportunities to look outwards, and the local community and charitable engagement is part of the Beech Hall ethos.
“Be kind to one another…be someone who places kindness as their highest value”
Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand

“Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching”
C. S. Lewis

“Mutual respect is the foundation of genuine harmony”
Dalai Lama

“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”
Maya Angelou

In This Section
“I cannot recommend this school enough. To see my son going to school happy everyday and knowing he is getting a fabulous education too is all a parent can ask for . The headmaster is the best, that’s the only way to describe him! He and his staff go above and beyond to ensure the children’s happiness, they nurture them , treat them as individuals and I have no doubt that my son will leave the school a very confident young man with nothing but happy memories of his school years.”
Beech Hall School Parent – Summer ’23